Cookin' with Clutz - Beer Bread
Welcome to Cookin' with Clutz.
A cooking show where you're encouraged to drink beer, always. You may have seen our latest episode on Youtube where Clutzy steps you through this recipe. Follow along and show us what you've got.
A cooking show where you're encouraged to drink beer, always. You may have seen our latest episode on Youtube where Clutzy steps you through this recipe. Follow along and show us what you've got.
This week Clutzy takes you through his 4 ingredient Beer Bread recipe, which is extremely easy and enjoyable.
Stuff you need:
- 500g self-rising flour
- 330ml beer, blonde pale lager such as bottled Heineken (1 1/3 of a cup)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tbsps olive oil
What to do:
1. Chuck everything into a bowl together and mix it together with your hands until it turns into an elastic ball. Leave a little flour to the side, just a pinch.
2. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees, and crack a cold one. You deserve it.
3. Turn the dough out onto a floured board, wet your hands and split it in half. Knead each half with your hands, to form two round loafs.
4. Sprinkle the top of the loafs with a little bit of water, and then sprinkle some flour on top of this.
5. With a sharp Knife, make a few small cuts on the top of the loafs.
6. Throw some baking paper on a tray, and place your two loafs on the tray and bake for 60 mins.
7. Crack another beer, pull our your bread, slice and enjoy.
Hope you enjoy this one legends, make sure you let us know what you think.
Give em heaps,